Baltic Shuttle bus stops in Tallinn, Narva and St Petersburg

Bus stops in Tallinn

In Tallinn all Baltic Shuttle buses make a stop at the bus station, some routes may have stops in Mustakivi, at the passenger seaport, or at the Tallinn airport.

Tallinn bus station

Tallinn bus station (Tallinna Bussijaam) is located at Lastekodu 46.

Tallinn bus station location

Tallinn airport bus stop

Bus stop Lennujaam is near northern edge of passenger terminal.

Tallinn airport bus stop location

Mustakivi bus stop

In direction from Tallinn to St Petersburg bus stop is near McDonald's.

Mustakivi bus stop

Tallinn transport map
Tallinn transport map

Saint Petersburg

Departure: from St Petersburg bus station.

Arrival: in St. Petersburg bus stops are at Moskovskaya Metro station and at bus station.

Saint Petersburg bus station

Central bus station in St Petersburg is located on the Obvodny Canal embankment, 36, near Obvodny Canal Metro station.

Saint Petersburg bus station map

Bus stop at Moskovskaya Metro station

In the direction from Tallinn to Saint Petersburg

Bus stop at Moskovskaya Metro station

In the direction from Saint Petersburg to Tallinn public transport stop "Moskovsky Av. 189".

Narva and Ivangorod

In Narva the bus stop is at Peetri Plats Square.

In Ivangorod the main SKSauto bus stop 1 (on the scheme). In case of bad road conditions, the SKSauto bus waits at bus stop 2 opposite the Magnit store on Kingiseppskoye Shosse.

Bus stops in Narva and Ivangorod